Salient Features of MCS
COLD WATER TEMPERATUREMist Cooling System ensures an approach of 1℃ to WBT with a temperature drop of 12℃. Also, MCS is the only system which guarantees a temperature drop up to 40℃ in one stroke.
ENERGY SAVINGSMCS saves energy in duel form, on circulation pumping and fan power. Water pressure required for operation at GL is equivalent to the height of cooling tower.
PROCESS BENEFITSDue to such low temperature from MCS, your plant can operate at the designed vacuum in summer and monsoon thus maintaining same plant efficiency throughout the year.
MAINTENANCENon moving parts, Fin-fill less design/ choke-less design of nozzles makes MCS totally maintenance free.
OTHER FEATURESSimilar make up water requirements as in CTs , table top design for algae free/ dust free operation, high capacity turn down ratio are other important features.